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Choral Scholarships


Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Psallam spiritu et mente

I will sing with the spirit and with the understanding also

(1 Corinthians 14:15)

We appoint up to six Choral Scholars (Soprano, Alto, tenor and Bass) annually, and they may be appointed at any time of the year. They are local singers aged 16 - 18 who wish to improve their abilities as a choral singer and / or soloist. Whilst this may particularly suit those studying music and / or those considering applying for university awards in the future, it is not a requirement.

St Peter’s Choral Scholars lead the singing for our weekly Sunday morning 9:30 am Communion Service, as well as the occasional special service on other days, under the direction of our Director of Music, Ben Driver, who is experienced in developing young singers. They will be required to attend rehearsals immediately before the weekly service. There may be opportunities for concert performances too.

Essential qualities include some experience of singing in a choir, an ability to read music and a desire to learn both as part of a relatively small choral group and occasional solo singing. Sight-reading skills will be an advantage, as will any previous experience of church music. St Peter’s is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music.

Our Choral Scholars sing 30 services a year, mostly in school term-time, between September and the following July, and receive £40 per service, payable termly. Typically, singers will rehearse on a Sunday from 8.30 am and sing at the 9.30 am service, their duties for the day ending around 10.30 am.

For the right candidate, there may also be the possibility of an Organ Scholarship under similar terms (the church has a beautiful classical Swiss instrument installed in 2009)

For further details, please email the St Peter’s Parish Office on or visit

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