These intercessions were written for the 10th of January by John Asbridge and those present at the service who heard them felt that they should be shared more widely, focusing us as they do on the sacrifices made by young people at this time:
At the moment, we frequently and rightly pray for our carers, our support workers, the elderly, the less abled and of course those who are ill.
This, however, is a prayer for the young and healthy:
To have studied hard and then be denied the chance to prove yourself in exams, to have seven years of secondary school just fizzle out, to have no prom or proper results day, that’s tough.
Lord, give strength and resilience to all those who through no fault of their own have had to rethink and adapt their plans and sometimes, their whole lives.
Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.
To be eighteen and in a new job, at college or university and yet be unable to meet friends, to enjoy a drink, go clubbing or to see tutors face-to-face, that’s tough.
Lord, give strength and patience to all those who are missing interaction with others, however helpful ‘Zoom’ and social media may be.
Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.
To have a first serious girl or boyfriend and not be able to be close to them or even allowed to just meet up and hug, that’s tough.
Lord, give strength and reassurance to all those who are missing the comfort of family and friends, and to those unable to visit new-born grandchildren without breaking the law.
Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.
To enjoy sports but to have to be content with just training and the belief that one day there will indeed be a match; to even lose that part-time job that so vitally supplemented your student loan, that’s tough.
Lord give strength and hope to all those who are feeling that life has lost its purpose and that everything is against them.
Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.
To one month be independent, with your own space in a university hall and the next month to be told to remain back at home in your old bedroom along with all the jigsaws and games, that’s tough.
Lord give strength and understanding to all those whose expectations in life are temporarily on hold.
Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.