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E News From St. Peter's, 7th May 2021

Dear Member of St Peters, This week I would like to thank those people who are rarely seen "up front" but whose work is vital to the smooth running of St Peter's . Kate Stapleton ,the Parish Administrator ,does a huge amount to enable Services to continue and also monitors the maintenance of the church building. Nadia Galindo Slim , the Parish financial Administrator keeps the financial records in order with great efficiency. Anna Kaluza brings great dedication to the task of keeping the church clean . The volunteer members of The Standing and Finance Committee and the PCC (Church Council) reflect the diversity of the congregation and give their time to the important decisions that have to be made . A big "Thank you" to all of you for your part in taking the worship and mission of the church forward. I will pray for you in the week ahead. Tim Canon Tim Marwood (Vicar of Petersham) The "live " Services during the Easter Season are as follows: Sunday the 9th May 9.30am Parish Communion including Presentation to the Church Architect 10.30am Socially distanced wreath laying at the grave of Capt.George Vancouver in the churchyard Thursday the 13th May 11.30am Ascension Day Service with additional social distancing . Sunday the 16th May 9.30am Parish Communion including farewell – all seats will be allocated in advance for this Service Sunday the 23rd May 9.30am Parish Communion for Pentecost Sunday We are really pleased that we can restart our "live" meetings for young people on Sunday mornings! Dates Sunday 9th May - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 16th May 9.30am All age Service with seats allocated Sunday 23rd May - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 30th May - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 6th June 9.30am All age Service with Children's talk Sunday 13th June - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 20th June - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 27th June - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 4th July - - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 11th July - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Sunday 18th July - 9.30am -10.10am Junior Church , 10.45am to 11.30am Youth Group Junior Church during the 9.30am Service for all young people aged 6 years and upwards Please bring your young people to the Parish Room by 9.30am , sanitising hands on entry. Most of the activities will be held outside in the churchyard, weather permitting . At about 10.10am the children will be led into church by the youth leaders as Communion is being distributed . Parent Volunteers - we need one parent volunteer for each week. Please contact Rachel to volunteer Youth Group These sessions will start at 10.45am and finish at 11.30am Numbers There is a limit of 15 young people in the Parish Room per session Mask wearing Under 10's do not have to wear a mask in church. All children are asked to wear a mask/facecovering in the Parish Room, we have masks available. Children do not have to wear masks in the churchyard. Eucharist for 6th Sunday of Easter, Archdeacon of Southwark The Eucharist for the 6th Sunday of Easter video, put together by the Archdeacon of Southwark, is now available to download from our website. You can find it, along with the text and a video of the sermon, at Flowers in church – new arrangements for the rest of 2021 For the moment, we are looking for volunteers to bring a simple flower arrangement to church to sit on the pedestal on a Sunday before the 9.30 service starts and to take them home after the service. Please email the parish office if this is something you would like to do. The Zoom Social at 10.30 – 11.15 on Thursday mornings - if you would like to join us for a chat, please contact the Parish Office to receive the link. The Zoom Prayer Group – The Prayer Group will meet on THURSDAY Evenings at 8 pm from now on. (NB this has moved from Tuesday evening) Every Thursday night a small group of us meet over zoom to have a social catch up on the week, talk about a passage of scripture and to end in a short time of prayer. Over the next few months we will be working through some key passages in the book of Acts. Acts, written by Luke, is a particularly encouraging read. The book is full of the energy and excitement of the early Christians as they found God doing new things all over the place and learned to take the good news of Jesus around the world. It’s also full of puzzles and problems that churches faced then and face today. It is comforting to know that ‘normal church life’, even in the time of the first apostles, was neither trouble-free nor plain sailing. Just as it is encouraging to know that even in the midst of all their difficulties the early church was able to experience the gospel message in dynamic ways. Hopefully we will learn from our dive into this book and it will bring us hope and strength and our faith in these times when church might not feel normal. If you would like to join us please contact St Peters for further information. All are welcome. Please email the Parish Office to receive the link. The link for the recorded service for Sunday will be distributed next week. Desert Island Discs Christian Aid Style - talk by Canon Julian Reindorp "On Wednesday June 2nd at 8pm Canon Julian Reindorp, team rector in Richmond 1992-2009, will give an online talk about his ministry and life in 50 years as a priest. Using themes from hymns he will illustrate the people and places, here in UK and overseas, who have influenced him on his faith journey. To access on Zoom, please go to the following link: Meeting ID: 819 0224 9828, Passcode: 819769. Questions and comments will be welcomed. We aim to finish by about 9pm. Hopefully you will be inspired to make a generous contribution to Christian Aid. This can be done through Richmond Christian Aid Group’s JustGiving Page which is Poor countries are facing both Covid and climate change and Christian Aid's work is more urgent than ever."

Thank you for giving to the collection or by standing order, please consider signing a Gift Aid form. Please consider giving by standing order if you do not already. For details please email: Safeguarding arrangements at St Peter’s The Parish Safeguarding Office for St. Peter’s is Fiona Sandford who can be contacted through Thank you for giving to the collection or by standing order, please consider signing a Gift Aid form. Please consider giving by standing order if you do not already. For details please email: Safeguarding arrangements at St Peter’s The Parish Safeguarding Office for St. Peter’s is Fiona Sandford who can be contacted through If you would like to speak to a priest please telephone the Parish mobile (07786 958 514) or email the Parish Office. · St Peter’s Church is open only on Sunday mornings. For the moment only keyholders who are part of the security monitoring arrangements may enter the church at any other time. Lodge Brothers’ (Funeral Directors) 020 8818 7725 (24-hour number) Church Copyright Licence Number 1910899 + Streaming Licence Number 1220912 Music Reproduction Licence Number 1910909 PRS for Music Church Licence Number 1910916

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